Ever heard the phrase "not all heroes wear capes?" well this is similar, not all celebrities live in Hollywood. Some I am lucky enough to live with, near, or a few hours away from, and my heart hurts I miss them so much. I also sometimes miss the ones I am with a lot, when Im not with them even for just a few hours, that's how fantastic they are. As my last blog post, please enjoy reading about these real life celebrities I am lucky enough to associate with, I call them my best friends.

Shellbe Watson

Shellbs is an incredible confidant. Plus she is my doctor, personal trainer and therapist. also she ditched class with me junior year of high school to go to zumiez for matching snapbacks, so obviously she is a winner. Thanks for finding the kid I lost while babysitting.

Alexis Tobler

I would not be surprised if one day lex is legit famous. From the day I met her I thought to myself, ok this is one impressive 19 year old. She is the best person to talk to about anything. She has brilliant opinions (that are usually the same as mine) and is a remarkable and selfless friend. She is super cuddly and we will link arms without even noticing. Thanks for fixing the clock in my car every time you get in, and for putting your fingerprint in my phone so there is no time wasted when you are the DJ.

Addie Ludlow

Ever meet someone and immediately think, I love everything about you and I barely know you- but also simultaneously feel like you have known them your whole life? Well, thats who Addie is to me. Honestly, anything I do with Addie is so fun and great. When I'm not with her I think of a million things to tell her or ask her, simply because I want to hear what she has to say. She is incredibly trustworthy, a great advice giver, and her comedic timing is impeccable. Thanks for reading my mind so my thoughts are no longer independent. #baseballcards

Jayden Leishman/Wallace (the fact she has two last names on here is an inside joke)

Jay knows me better than I know myself. Talking to her is like a mirror,but one that makes me want to be even better. She is an incredible student who is quite literally going to change the world. She memorizes song lyrics within minutes and doesnt get mad at you when you fall asleep in every movie. She takes care of every member of her family and me.She really values what I, and everyone has to say. I love that over the years we have changed but I will always look up to you the same amount, which is a lot. Thanks for letting me cheat off of you and for loving egg salad more than anyone thought possible.

Sara Ludlow 

I've said it before and ill say it again, the wittiest person I know. Anything funny or great that happens in my life is significantly better when I share it with sara. She is adventurous,courageous and brilliant. She is the person that encourages me the most and I love making her proud. I love knowing that she is simply always there for me and will answer any call for anything I need. Thanks for fast forwarding through some parts in Bridesmaids so we can watch it even though its rated R.

Kennedy Cowan

Ever since freshman year, ken has been a rock in my life. Her personality alone lights up the room and any situation. She emailed me encouragement on my mission along with news about Andrew Garfield and Emma stones dating life so really, what more could I ask for? She has the best laugh and yes, I still wish she lived in my pocket. Thanks for eating appreciating miley and eating french fries immediately after we workout.

Julia Rainey

Julesy will answer any question you throw at her. I love knowing I can ask her anything, knowing she will give me her real thoughts. She can play any song on the guitar, and has a really pretty voice. She is amazing with words and can articulate just what I'm feeling, and what I need to hear. She is bold and rocks beanies and I couldn't have a cooler role model.

Ryan Smart

Idk how ry got so wise, but she is. She is so mature and confident (in a really good way of course), and helps me be me. Sometimes we just tell each other story after story, and I never get tired of it.
This girl is a professional movie watcher and music listener. She also lets me choose the music and plot twist, its always pop. She is also a magician with a camera. Ry ry, thanks for making the Paleo Power smoothie taste way good with your own recipe.

Aubrey Adam

Aub is my longest friend. She has an amazing memory and anytime I think of a memory with her in it, I get extremely happy. She is a hard worker and gets stuff done. If Justin Bieber releases a new song every sunday at midnight, never fear, aubrey will stay up with you and be face timing so you can listen to it together. In yearbook, we had a routine of the same computer games, cody simpson songs, and taking pics of the same hot guys at our school. ("oh sorry we must have lost it and we need another one!") She is very spiritual and an example to me and all who know her. Thanks for forgiving me after I moved away from bloomington elementary without telling you, only to meet again 6 years later and be BFFS again instantly.

Sierra Gordon (Cox)

ahh where to begin with Sigor. Sierra is the epitome of kindness and charity. She can eat Crowshaws and Kneaders every single day for lunch. She also doesn't get mad when I get her in trouble for talking in every class. She doesn't even mind when I bite her! Sierra is an incredible example and always knows just what I need. Dixie rock, swig, the west side of the temple grounds are our spots. Seeing her grow over the years and on her mission motivated me to do the same. Sigs, thanks for being the best night game buddy, and boosting me up to hop over walls during fugitive.

Shea Hildebrandt

How many guys do you know that can quote perfectly Shes The Man, Baby Mama, Parks and Rec, The office, Hannah Montana, Boy Meets World and everything else good? NOT MANY. He is a one in a million.He will serenade you from his apt window, the car, you name it! Shea bae is an amazing friend and will do anything to help someone. He is so genuine and true to who he is. I know I can trust him with anything. Thanks for tickling my back longer than I did yours.

Xander Moore

Xander has lived 4 houses down from me since 7th grade. Having someone who is this good and true as a friend is irreplaceable. Xander can get from his house to my front door in 11 seconds. He will have nerf gun war and let me have extra bullets. He will play monopoly once a day for an entire summer, and consistently buy the same properties. He can eat a whole bag of burgers from arctic circle in less than 5 minutes. If I got a flat tire on my bike and have to walk it home, he will also walk his. He is a nerd but I highly appreciate that fact.

Courtney Godderidge (allred)

Court is the best company you could want. She is confident who she is and helps me be that too. She is also v good at dating advice, and dating has worked out v well for her. She is way smarter than she gives herself credit. She eats healthy and is an absolute baller. thanks for breaking in my house to clean my room that one time.

Devyn Nelson (well now its Pearson but you will forever be sister nelson in my mind)

Dev is simply the best. Going to the MTC was terrifying but on the drive there my sister said "don't be scared, youre gonna meet your new best friends." Boy, she wasn't kidding. Devyn has always confided in me, and thats the best feeling in the world. Being her maid of honor was truly and honor. Thanks for calling me sister spainhower to this day. Also, pls enjoy this pic of us as missionary babies back when I didnt think I needed to brush my hair.

Ruth Urquhart

Ruthie is a world traveler. Her experiences and love for life has made her into an incredible person I aspire to be like. I always want to hear what she has to say about all sorts of topics. I genuinely appreciate the friend and listener she is to me. She has saved several weddings and loves to watch dark knight every night. Thanks for letting me eat anything I want out of the drawer of wonders. (legit a drawer at her house with buckets of candy! Life is an amazing thing)

Laura Cox

Laura is the one next to me on this dope human period. I cant talk about people I look up to, and not talk about Laura. She is incredibly strong and courageous and confident and I want to be like her. Thanks for breaking your heel in third grade and teaching me how to walk on your crutches up-side down as stilts.

I know this post ended up a little sappy, but I really just wanted to highlight the incredible people that surround me. I am a huge fan of all of them and I couldnt have hand picked better people to love. I am beyond blessed to know and be photographed with these real time celebrities. Thanks for reading!


  1. Whatttttttttttttt I want to be your friend

  2. Now I’m really a celebrity!!!
    “I’m so much more than Cody Simpson....”

  3. Xanders bio is my favorite 😂😂 I love when he gets too our house in 11 seconds!!!

  4. I wanna know more about when Courtney snuck in to clean your room.


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